Alan Graham
Alan Graham is a native of Kent County in New Brunswick. He was first elected Member of the New Brunswick Legislature Assembly in 1967 under the then Premier Louis J. Robichaud. He served as the MLA for the riding of Kent for 31 years, until his retirement from politics in 1998. Between 1970 – 1987 while in opposition he acted as critic for Agriculture, Natural Resources, Housing, Health and Transportation. He was also Liberal Caucus Chairperson and Opposition House Leader. In 1987, Mr. Graham was named Minister of Agriculture from 1987 – 1991. He then was named the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy from 1991-1998. During that time he served as Chairman of the Board of Forest Protection Ltd. and Maritime Forestry Complex Corporation. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of Provincial Holdings Ltd. and the New Brunswick Government Economic Development Fund Inc. He was named Deputy Premier in 1997 while still keeping his portfolio as Natural Resources and Energy Minister, until his retirement. In 1999 he became a Board Member of the South East Health Care Corporation and served as Chairman of the Finance Committee until his retirement in 2001. Mr. Graham now serves on various board such as the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, a Trustee of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, a past Director of the Board of Vanerply AB in Otterbacken, Sweden, a Director of the Board of Systemair Inc., a member of the Board of Atlantic Salmon Federation Canada and a member of the Board of Miramichi-Uganda Foundation Inc. He also is Honorary President of the Atlantic Canada Woodworking Centre of Excellence. He serves on several boards of the family-owned businesses related to lumbering, agriculture, transportation and export, including Graham Export Sales, Graham & Associates and Alcon Holdings Ltd. Alan and his wife, Connie have five adult children. Mr. Graham is self-employed and now resides in Rexton, NB with his wife.