ASF’s Strategic Plan
ASF’s previous Strategic Plan was scheduled to guide the organization approximately through to the year 2023. In 2022, ASF Management and staff undertook a process to update the Plan with the philosophy of constant improvement. An updated Plan was presented to the joint ASF Boards of Directors in April 2023, and received unanimous support.

Our Team

Louie Porta
Louie Porta
President & CEO

Kathy Finniemore

Elizabeth Ames

Neville Crabbe

Martin Silverstone

Stephen Sutton

Cindy Bartlett

Kris Hunter
Kris Hunter
Regional Director for Wild Salmon Watersheds & Program Director for Prince Edward Island (902) 870-7210
Kim Thompson

Valérie Ouellet

Ellen Mansfield
Annual Reports & Privacy
2023 Impact ReportAudited Financials
International Headquarters
15 Rankine Mill Road
Chamcook, N.B.
E5B 3B1
New England Office
Fort Andross, 14 Maine Street, Suite 202
Brunswick, ME 04011-2054, USA
Business Information
ASF Can Business # 118796150 RR
US Tax ID #: 180-072-117
US 501c(3): 13-261-8801
Number of employees: 40
Canada mail
P.O. Box 5200
St. Andrews, N.B.
E5B 3S8
U.S.A. mail
P.O. Box 807
Calais, ME

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Join the Wild Salmon. Wild Rivers. movement. Your support is vital to continuing our work that conserves wild Atlantic salmon and their habitat. Our changing climate demands action now. Join us to help turn the tide for the future of our fish and planet.