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Joignez-vous à un mouvement pour la protection des bassins versants. Votre soutien est essentiel à la poursuite du travail que nous accomplissons pour protéger le saumon sauvage de l’Atlantique et son habitat. Le changement climatique exige la prise de mesures immédiates. Joignez-vous à nous pour renverser le cours de l’avenir du saumon et de notre planète.

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We're here to help you keep Newfoundland & Labrador wild!

Learn more about ASF's work and get the latest river reports from around the Atlantic Salmon world by subscribing to Rivernotes today.  New subscribers will have their name entered to win a Sage rod and reel combo.  Watch our social media for a live draw on May 15th!

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We're here to help you keep Newfoundland & Labrador wild!

Learn more about ASF's work and get the latest river reports from around the Atlantic Salmon world by subscribing to Rivernotes today.  New subscribers will have their name entered to win a Sage rod and reel combo.  Watch our social media for a live draw on May 15th!

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