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Angler Catches Satellite-Tagged Atlantic Salmon on Quebec’s Matapedia River


Causapscal, QC — On June 25th a lucky Quebec angler landed more than a trophy in the Milnikek pool on the Matapedia River. The angler hooked and released a 20-pound (9-kg) wild Atlantic salmon affixed with an advanced satellite tracking device.

A serial number from the tag was recorded and shared with local river managers who passed the information to Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) researchers. Records show this salmon was captured and tagged on September 17th 2021, off the west coast of Greenland as part of a joint ASF, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research project with funding from Canada’s Environmental Studies Research Fund.

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The researchers in Greenland fitted the fish with a pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) then released it. The tag was programmed to break off from the fish on May 1st, rise to the surface and transmit stored data on position, depth, and water temperature, but did not.

When it was released by the angler on June 25th this salmon, a female, still had the PSAT attached. The device contains very important data on the salmon’s migration back to North America from Greenland.

You can help researchers by following these instructions:

  • If you observe the fish in the river, please contact the CGRMP office in Causapscal at 418-756-6174 as soon as possible.
  • If you are fortunate enough to land this fish:
    • Handle it carefully while keeping it in the water facing the current
    • Please do not attempt to remove the harness (the plates attached to the body on each side of the dorsal fin)
    • cut the wire indicated with a knife or pliers (see photo below) and contact the CGRMP at 418-756-6174 so the tag can be reclaimed and the data retrieved
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