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This year the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada will decide whether to list some populations of wild Atlantic salmon under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). It sounds positive, but evidence and experience indicate otherwise.
In the words of Eric Taylor, the former chair of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, “There’s nothing in [SARA], nothing mandated, that actually says you have to do anything to help the animals and plants on the ground.”
For that reason and more, ASF and partners throughout Atlantic Canada and Quebec are asking the minister to not list. For Threatened and Endangered populations, listing means no fishing. Yet fisheries are not the problem and people connected to fisheries are the foundation of the salmon conservation movement.
DFO should use the many tools at its disposal and work closer with the conservation community to ensure a sustainable future for wild salmon and wild rivers. To learn more about our #peopleforsalmon campaign and add your voice visit